ახალი უმაღლესი სასწავლებლის პარტნიორმა რომუალდო დელ ბიანკოს ფონდმა, 2020 წელს გამოსცა ფლორენციის ყოველწლიური კონფერენციის – „ტურიზმი საზღვრებს გარეშე“ – მასალები 3 ტომად. მესამე ტომში წარმოდგელილია ახალი უმაღლესი სასწავლებლის რექტორის, პროფ. თამარ გარდაფხაძისა და აფილირებული ასოცირებული პროფესორის, ნოდარ გრძელიშვილის ერთობლივი მოხსენება „რელიგიური ტურიზმი საქართველოში – ინტერკულტურული დიალოგის მნიშვნელობა“.
უცვლელად გთავაზობთ კონფერენციის მასალებში გამოქვეყნებულ აბსტრაქტს
„Religious tourism in Georgia – Importance of Intercultural Dialogue
Tamar Gardapkhadze1, Nodar Grdzelishvili2
1Professor of Law – tamuna1978@mail.ru
2 Doctor of Economics – regioni.ge@yahoo.com

Abstract: Religious tourism is one of the actively developing direction of tourist around the world and also in Georgia it has a great potential. The growing interest in religious tourism makes it an important factor in international and intercultural dialogue. The tradition of pilgrimage in the Orthodox Christian religion is strong. Pilgrimage to Christianity resurrected as one of the forms of cult since the 4th century AD. Prayer trips take a big place in the lives of Christians and this is due to the long tradition of pilgrimage in the Christian religion; Pilgrimages to religious sites are also very popular. The specifics of the Christian pilgrimage are determined by the religious consciousness of the followers, which in turn is closely linked to Christian cult practice. There are more than 12,000 historical and cultural monuments in Georgia, 3 of which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Religious tourism in Georgia is also peculiarly fascinating and important because of the fact that there are many shrines of various religious denominations in the country. 90% of the objects of interest to tourists in the world are somehow related to religion, though some have lost their original meaning. When taking into consideration the centuries-old history of the spread of Christianity the number of such facilities in Georgia is the overwhelming majority. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the maximum potential of religious tourism, to take measures to optimize its development and to predict its role in the future. Georgia’s unique cultural-historical unity, which incorporates cultural values: Architectural monuments, folk culture, traditions, musical and artistic arts, historical-ethnic and natural environments create great potential for the development of religious tourism, but unfortunately only a small part of this potential is used. One of the impediments to the development of religious tourism in Georgia is the outdated tourism law, in which there is not even mention a word about religious tourism. In this regard, it would be fine if the Georgian legislation contains a proper emphasis on religious tourism and related legal norms, which would also help the development of international relations. When it comes to the development of religious tourism, political stability is one of the indispensable conditions. In the background of the strained relations with Russia (the country with the greatest potential for attracting tourists) and the lost regions of Georgia it is difficult for Georgia to create a stable country image abroad and to achieve economic stability inside the country. That is why we believe that religious tourism has much more content for Georgia than it is said in the literature sources. Keywords: religious tourism; intercultural dialogue; Christian pilgrimage; outdated tourism law“
სამეცნიერო-კვლევითი ცენტრი გისურვებთ წარმატებას!